2009-02-07 [長年日記]

_ [Mobile] Android Dev Phone 1

今の携帯(LG CU500)もそろそろ3年たつし、電池がもたなくなってきた。で、新しいのを探してたんだけど、Android Dev Phone 1 を購入。iPhone 買おうかと検討したのだけど、2年契約しばりがあるのとまわりに持ってる人が多すぎるので却下(といいつつ次世代機がよさげだったら乗り換える可能性アリ)。あと Palm Pre もいいなと思うんだけどまだ出てないからね…(^^;

とりあえず今の携帯(キャリアは AT&T )の SIM カードをさして activation 作業。APN を AT&T (というか Cingular のやつ)にして登録。Name (例えば AT&T とか) と APN (wap.cingular) ぐらい設定しておけばあとは空白のままでも登録作業はすんなり通る。登録がすんだら SIM カードをはずして家の無線LAN設定。

雑感。ブラウジングは遅い。かなりもっさりした感じ。iPod touch との比較だけどだいぶ遅く感じるな。メール(GMailと普通のpopメール)、チャット(Gtalk)、Web、Twitterあたりはアプリもあるし、iPhone と機能的には遜色なし。日本語表示は普通にできるし、入力も一応できる。まぁそんなのは他のスマートフォンでもできることだし、格別 Android が優れてるわけでもない。アプリを書いて自由に使えるのはいいんだけど、コードを書かないような一般ユーザーにとってうれしいかどうかはまだまだわかんないな。端末メーカーはソフトの開発コストが抑えられてうれしいだろうけどさ。

今日はここまで。時間があるときに SDK をダウンロードして、開発環境を整えて遊ぼっと。

本日のツッコミ(全6件) [ツッコミを入れる]
_ MUNEDA (2009-02-09 22:45)


_ kenyo (2009-02-10 00:41)

あ。普通の携帯は無理。日本語表示もできない。スマートフォンはいじらないと日本語表示も入力もできないな。<br>となると"標準"で表示と入力ができるのはiPhoneぐらいだわ。Android でもデフォルトで表示は可能だけど、入力は別途アプリが必要だし。

_ cributbasia (2013-10-29 13:04)

锘?After kissing it respectfully twice he seated himself with deliberation in an arm-chair, and rubbing the very tips of his fingers together, he observed with a smile nd is Elisaveta Mihalovna quite well?es,replied Marya Dmitrievna, he in the garden The clerk observed, that there was an evident prejudication, which confirmed the former suspicion of a conspiracy against the life of Captain Oakum; for, because, how could Morgan so positively pronounce that the captain and surgeon would d n鈥檇, unless he had intention to make away with them before they could have time to repent? This sage explanation had great weight with our noble commander, who exclaimed, What have you to say to this, Taffy? yon seem to be taken all a-back, brother, ha! Morgan was too much of a gentleman to disown the text, although he absolutely denied the truth of the comment Accordingly, about two of the clock, he was introduced to my chamber, and assured me that my perfidious lover was no more: that although he was not entitled to such an honourable proceeding, he had fairly challenged him to the field, where he upbraided him with his treachery towards me, for whom, he told me, his sword was drawn, and after a few passes left him weltering in his blood <br> <a href=http://www.estetica-laser.it/images/moncleritaliauomo.htm>hogan scarpe</a> <br>

_ memsweifs (2013-10-29 13:14)

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_ illimiltvot (2013-10-29 13:14)

This gentleman, who had come from Scotland three or four years before, kept a school in town, where he taught the Latin, French, and Italian languages; but what he chiefly professed was the pronunciation of the English tongue, after a method more speedy and uncommon than any practised heretofore, and, indeed, if his scholars spoke like their master, the latter part of his undertaking was certainly performed to a tittle: for although I could easily understand every word of what I had heard hitherto since I entered England, three parts in four of his dialect were as unintelligible to me as if he had spoken in Arabic or Irish This request the commander granted for his own sake, and the patient was produced, who insisted upon his being in his right wits with such calmness and strength of argument, that everybody present was inclined to believe him, except Morgan, who affirmed there was no trusting to appearances; for he himself had been so much imposed upon by his behaviour two days before, that he had actually unbound him with his own hands, and had well nigh been murdered for his pains: this was confirmed by the evidence of one of the waiters, who declared he had pulled this patient from the doctor鈥檚 mate, whom he had gotten down, and almost strangledA few days after he disappeared, Mr <br> [url=http://www.klc.it/diconodinoi/_notes/_vti_cnf/abercrombiefemme.htm]abercrombie[/url] <br>

_ Keypeemanda (2013-10-30 11:02)

Panshin tried to interpret their secret meaning, he tried to make his own eyes speak, but he felt he was not successful; he was conscious that Varvara Pavlovna, in the character of a real lioness from abroad, stood high above him, and consequently was not completely master of himselfhe is still in the same convent?Lavretsky asked, not without some effort <br> [url=http://www.estetica-laser.it/public/fotogrande/products/abercrombie.htm]abercrombie pas cher[/url] <br>

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